Is Epilepsy a Contagious Disease?


VIP Contributor
When I was still young though I was still young ( smile) they used to tell us not to be moving closer to some body is affected with the disease especially when the person fall dawn.

Epilepsy causes fits in people who otherwise seem fairly health. Fits may come hours, days, weeks, or months apart. In some persons they cause loss of consciousness and Violent movements. The eyes often roll back. In mild types of epilepsy the person may suddenly 'blank out' for a movement, make strange movements, or behave oddly. Epilepsy is more common in some families ( inherited). Or it may come from brain damage at birth, high fever in infancy, or tapeworm cysts in the brain.

Epilepsy is not an infection and cannot be 'caught'.
It is a disease, like other disease s. It is not a disgrace, or a shame upon the family. Loving care and understanding should be offered by the health worker. It is often a life - long problem. However, infants sometimes get over it.

Medicines to prevent epileptic fits:
Note: These do not ' cure' epilepsy; they help prevent fits. Often the medicine must be taken for life.