Is It Good To Take Advice From Poor People As A Rich Man?


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I'm not looking down on anyone in this group or in this whole world but it is something that I personally had witness it under this sun. I hope this my post is not offensive to anyone and I don't have any intention to offend someone in this post. Kindly read to an end and see what I mean.

When I was growing up in life, I remember my grandfather was advising me to put much effort in life to succeed. He continued to advice me that the poor has no friend and in life most people will come to you as far as they can benefit from you. This is also part of human life and not something new. My grandfather advised me that the rich people never move with poor people and they don't even want to hear advice from poor people. I asked my grandfather how that is possible and he answered " maybe that is the law of nature" well, I have grown up and my grandfather is no more but I have seen and testify those words he told me. There are so many rich people in my area and it seems they don't even have time for poor people. I have never seen them mingling with the poor neither have I see them taking advice from broke people.

I use to hear some people pointing their hands on some of them by saying they don't take advice. Why is it the law of riches or why is it so?
For me I don't believe in getting advice from certain kind of people, I just love to get advice from reasonable people that can help me progress in all my endeavors it mustn't be about the rich or the poor but Any one with the right information. Some people can be poor not because they want but because situations or circumstances beyond their control. Like my grandparents were rich as when they got married but life happens and they fell on poor times and their riches disappear, so those this stop them from being able to advise one on financial principles of course No

So what I'm trying to say in essence is that some people being in poverty physically does not mean they are also poor in mind. They can still give sound advice, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to also get advice financially and otherwise from them

For the rich not wanting to mingle with the poor, I think it is a thing of pride because I don't understand the segregation. Being rich shouldn't make one too pompous to mingle with the next person no matter the wealth. I notice this too but I don't think it is a good thing to do.
There is indeed a distant and huge gap between a rich person and a poor person talk less for a rich person to receive advice from a poor individual . Most importantly you did not mention what type of advice that we are absolutely talking about here but if it refers to advise that has to do with financial upbringing and boosting there is absolutely no way a poor individual can absolutely and successfully advised a rich individual on areas concerning financiality . But when it come to areas such as marriage , relationship , life , children , or dating there could be a way a poor individual can totally advise a rich individual .

There is literally no one in the world that totally have all the knowledge of the world in his fingertips and whether you are rich or poor there is absolutely no guaranteed advise that you are going to bypass any challenges or problem . You can totally agree with me that even rich people absolutely faced challenges and problems and most times gets over consumed by this problems if not urgently shared with another individual which possibly might not be in the same financial class as him or her , but as usual he or she can give you an advice that you could possibly go a long way in helping you in your challenges or problem .