Is it ok for blog to feature more than one niche?


VIP Contributor
Yes, it's totally okay for blog to feature more than one niche. The key is to make sure that you're making a good use of them and that they don't overlap too much. If you find that your blog has two or three different niches running at the same time, it might be time for some serious re-evaluation.

When you start experimenting with different niches, keep in mind what each one has to offer and what it doesn't have. Does one of your niches have more traffic than the others? If so, would it be better off becoming its own separate blog? Or are they all pretty equal in terms of traffic? Then maybe they can all live together on the same site.

You also want to make sure that you don't overlap too much between your various niches. If one niche mentions another one too often (for example by mentioning an article from them) then people may get confused and think that it's somehow connected with this other niche instead of just being a part of it.

You can even do this all at once. if you want to cover several different areas of interest in a single post, that's completely fine! Just be sure to use some kind of keyword research tool (like Google Keyword Planner) to find the right keywords to use for each niche. If you're not sure where to start, check out our guide on how to find keywords for your blog post.

Remember: it's important that you have a clear idea of what your audience wants before you start writing. That way, when you write, you can make sure that what they're searching for is actually on your site and not just on someone else's site with the same name but different content. which could increase the odds of them clicking through to other sites instead of yours.