Is it right to excuse yourself from a pointless business meeting?


VIP Contributor
In general, it is not right to excuse yourself from a business meeting.
While it might seem like a great idea to skip out on meetings that are clearly not going anywhere, this practice can hurt your professional reputation. When you do this enough, people will start to see you as unreliable and uninterested in collaborating with others. It can also cause other people to doubt your commitment to the organization as a whole, which can lead them to be less likely to work with you in the future.

If there is one meeting that I would recommend skipping out on, however, it would be one where everyone is just talking about their own projects and it's clear that nothing productive will come out of it. If everyone else seems like they have better things to do too, then I think it's okay if you leave early or even don't go at all, just make sure you let the organizer know why so they don't think you're being rude or disrespectful.