It good to visit hospital for doctor advise?


Verified member
It is very good to visit medical practitioners in the hospital for advice. Some people will see it has wasting of time to visit doctors to receive medical advice. nowadays a lot of orientation is given to the people in the hospitals to teach them how to live healthy life. This advice can only be received from medical doctors and government health workers from the hospital. Anybody that ignore this orientation will not live sound healthy life. In the hospital,we give a lot of advice that will use to maintain our life as a complete human being. Many women that has pregnancy will be trained how to handle the children when giving birth. what to be given as food supplements after breastfeeding. This place is a medical school for many people that are controlling their diseases to know how and when they are going to control their disease,especially diabetics,hypertension,and also the orthopaedic section training for those who has stroke, paralysis. This is where we receive a complete training of how we are recovering from paralysis and stroke accident. This how to leave early life.


Active member
One of the common thing among the masses today when come to health issue is applying or administering self medication before consulting their medical personal. Applying or administering self medication is a very wrong idea to do though it is advisable ti have first Aid kit at home and apply it for minor issue than is within our control but when issue has gone out of hand then the best thing to do is to visit our medical personal for advise.
When we apply self medication without consulting our medical personal, we might be doing to our self a great harm than helping ourselves cause we might be taken drugs for the wrong ailment and this may further increase the demage to our body system. When we visit our medical personal for advise regularly then we can be rest assure that we will get the right treatment for the right ailment that might occur. Going to the hospital for medical advise will also go along way to prevent us from getting different kind of sickness cause we must have be taught on how to prevent ourselves and know the important of leaving a clean life and eating healthy food that can help our immune system.