Earn Money Making money by selling expired domain names.


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A domain is simply and address used to access a website. Domains are bought are bought and sold again. Expired domain names are those domain names which the owner failed to renew. When they don't get renewed within a fix period of time they expire and are back in the market. Some expired domain names are still really good and can have a high cost per click.. another sweet thing about buying domain names is that you can buy it at a price and sell it at any price you wish as long as the end user is willing to pay for it. You can resell it anytime you want and you can even email potential end-users to take a look at it for a chance that they might be interested in buying it. A domain name can cost up to $11 and you can sell it up to a price of a hundred and twenty dollars!!!
Wow, I haven't heard about selling of domain, but from what you have stated I think it would be a really profitable venture or online business to start but it would mainly be for those who are actively into website designing to be able to know when a domain name is available and ready to be sold.
This business is very lucrative and I think there is much to it than what the poster said. But that doesn't mean I won't still give her the accolade that she deserves. I only whish if she can create another thread telling us how to go about this business for newbies.