Making money or furthering one's education?


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So I just had some random thought and I decided to share it with you guys. Well, it is more like a question than just an informative statement. Although I am not aware of how things are being done in different countries but speaking for my country, I would say that the height of unemployment have gotten to a point that there's almost no available job offers for the graduates that have obtained their college degree. Even those who went ahead to further their education all ended up being jobless like the rest because there's virtually no vacancy for them to work and even if there was, that's where corruption will take over as those with better connections are offered the job. I am trying to say that getting a good paying job here mainly depends on the connections you have rather than your merits.
I am definitely not coming up with the idea that education is entirely useless and even if am in a position to advise anyone I would suggest they try and get for themselves a college degree. But in a country where there is this rate of unemployment, I don't think it is really necessary to obtain anything other than just a college degree.
Sometimes I do see many trying to further their education with no hope of getting employed after it all and here is my question; is it really necessary in this situation? Would you rather prefer to start looking for ways you can become financially stable as a graduate or would you prefer to further your education in a country where the rate of unemployment is at its very height.
Making money and going to higher institution of learning are both important. If you keep looking at unemployment rate in the country you might not be interested in going further in your education.

Now let's assume that you did not go further in your education pursuits, and opportunity comes in the nearest future from someone closer to you.

You were told that they need someone in a position with fat salary, and the only thing you need is qualification from higher institution of learning.

You know you will not have access to the opportunity if you don't possess the qualification and you will lose the opportunity. I am saying this because it is what has happened to me and it is still a pain in my heart.

You should never think that you are not going to go further in your education if opportunity comes just because they are lot of unemployed graduates out there.

You can simply start your part time business while you continue with your education. I know it is not going to be easy but it is doable.

Microsoft company was built from the dormitory of university likewise Amazon and Google, you too can do the same thing. What if you start the business and it doesn't fly off? You need to give it a thought.
I think most people who go ahead to get a masters degree do that either because they could not get a job due to the high competition ( a masters degree would give you an edge over competitors.) Or because they want to be promoted at work or they are just the 'academia' individuals.
Personally, If I was to be in such shoes as you described, I would prefer to settle for a business upon graduation. I should have learnt a very promising and marketable skill that would enable me earn money.