Making profit as a commodity broker


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Who is a broker? A broker is someone who acts as a mediator between the seller or provider of a goods or services and the buyer.
Being an online broker doesn't take much, and you don't even need capital to start up, just a good smart phone. You might have people on your contact or friends list who has a commodity for sell and might also have people who are in need of that commodity you can connect the buyer with the seller and make money from it.
Advertising is the key tool, sometime we get 50 to 100 views on your WhatsApp post , imagine post a commodity for sell out of those 50 people there might be someone who needs that commodity you market it to them and earn in form of percentage or fees.
We have a family friend whose business is brokering that is commonly known as buy-and-sell business. He would buy a commodity when he finds a prospective buyer. A car, for example, with a big mark up that he would buy it and later sell it. He also does that with appliances like tv or refrigerator. We call him jack of all trades because he knows so many appliances and even antique furniture.
Brokering is a very good business opportunity for many people. All that brokers need to do is to connect the buyer to the seller. Of which that requires good marketing skills and also being able to convince someone to buy the commodity. Most times, the broker usually puts the price to be higher than what the seller quoted so as to earn the profit.