Managing the Process in Business


Active member
Biggest problem with the business is not having a process in place. A lot of business are setup in such way that when customer comes you serve and then you earn the money. But that sort of stuff works when you are one shed stall where you sell small items. But if you decide to sell the product in big store. You have to manage the staff and also handle the inventory where you can manage the process in the business. Not having process means the business can get pretty difficult in the long run. So make sure to have a process in the business.

What qualifies for the process? Let's say you have a flower shop. You hire staff to clean the flowers. You hire staff to package it. And then add some essence or things to make it attractive. You divide the work from initial takeup of product to the delivery of the product. So this sort of the process is what makes the business more strong. Lack of having such process means you are going to struggle when there are a lot of orders in the shop. You have to find alternatives for the process in such way that you add more people as work increases.

Success of business is on the basis of having an established process that can earn you money and manage people and customer in the flow.
What you mean by the process is the operation of the business that would include all the procedures needed to fulfill the needs from receiving the supplies to selling the products. In big companies they have the so called operations manual which is also applicable to small businesses just to ensure that the right process is done. In your example of a flower shop a new staff can do the chores if he would be given the procedures manual to study on how to go about the particular chore of cleaning and trimming the flowers up to the packaging. Especially when the operation of the business is complex then there should be the procedures manual or operations manual.
Managing process in business successfully is not that easy but hard work makes business to be successful. To become a successful business owner it's not easy you must work hard by meeting customers demand. Successful managers are effective and productive. They can lead,motivate, set goals, set examples as a leader and inspire others to achieve their best. To become a successful manager, you must possess habits that will allow you to accomplish your goals and bring out the best in others to achieve the organisational goals. Effective management of a business will definitely bring increase sales and sales will lead to increase in profit. It is always good to manage the business very which also includes the customers relationship with quality goods.