Marketing's Contribution to Economic Development


New member
In today's era of globalization, marketing's job is growing in order to meet people's various needs and requirements.
Because of the increased scale of production and market expansion, producers require marketing tools to help them deliver their goods and services to the real client.

Due to rising market rivalry and product diversification, marketing operations such as advertising, storage, sales promotion, and salesmanship have risen.

Large profit margins can now be achieved through great sales volume and high product and service quality.
Marketing has taken on a significant role in the country's economic development.

The significance of marketing can be summarized as follows:

(a) Marketing's Importance to a Company:

Marketing is regarded as the most important of all corporate activities.

Any company's success is determined by its marketing efforts.
"Marketing is the business," as Peter F. Drucker correctly stated.
Any organization's objectives and goals can be met by implementing efficient and successful marketing policies.
The profitability of a business is largely determined by the success of its marketing efforts.

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