Mastering the Basics of Google Analytics for Beginners

King bell

VIP Contributor
Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you understand your website’s performance. To start with, log in to Google Analytics using your Google account and follow the instructions. Create a new property for your website, enter the required information, and obtain your tracking code.

Understand key Google Analytics concepts such as sessions, pageviews, users, and bounce rate. The home dashboard gives the overall picture while audience overview tells you where traffic on your website comes from. The behavior overview shows how visitors interact with your site.

Setting up goals is essential when it comes to conversion tracking and traffic source analysis. You can set defined targets for yourself and create them within Google Analytics for tracking conversions. Monitor sources of traffic like referral sources, acquisition channels and keyword analysis are available. Real-time reports lets you know what’s happening on your site at that very moment including top pages, active users and traffic sources.