Merits of being self employed


Valued Contributor
Self employment has been one of the major anthems lately and that is traceable to the surge in the rate of unemployment and how the government nowadays are not able to supply enough jobs for it's citizens.

Therefore the first benefit is that you become employed. Not by someone but self employed. So you actually you have a source of livelihood- which is also another benefit of being self employed. Apart from that, other merits abound;

  • You create job opportunities for others and thereby contribute your quota in your nations development.
  • You get the liberty to operate without oppression which may be obtainable when you are an employee under someone else.
  • You become independent or self dependent. Your job is no longer at the mercy of someone and you depend directly on no one to survive.
  • You work on your terms. As an employee you are bound by the terms of your employer but that is not obtainable when you're self employed.