MetaGods: Play To Earn NFT Game


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One of the revolutionary changes blockchain has brought to the gaming industry is the evolution of Play-To-Earn NFT Games. These games allow you to earn crypto tokens and NFT that can be sold on in-game marketplaces or open marketplaces and exchanges.

If you want to monetize your gaming activities, you should be playing MetaGods, a MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game) that will let you make money. MetaGods is bullet hell games, where bullets will be fired everywhere and the player has to doge these bullets. These games were very popular back in the 90s. While playing the game, you can done the roles of Gods and Demi Gods, for instance Hercules and face the power and deadly enemies in the deadly dungeons hunting for the epic loot. You traverse into the riskier dungeons and earn loot. In order to start plying, you will have to make a small investment. You will have to buy NFT characters. The characters are demi gods with specific capabilities.

Kalyani devi

New member
NFTs are the game's cryptocurrency tokens that are held off the blockchain and give players ongoing rewards for collecting them. you play and earn by color matching and get instant cash $25 by playing nftcharm .​