Mistakes that cost landlords thousands to deal with?


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Some common mistakes that cost landlords thousands to deal with could be:

1. Not properly collecting rent. It’s not just about not paying on time, it’s also about not making sure you are collecting the right amount of rent. You need to know how much your property is worth and what you can afford to pay each month. If you don’t know those figures then I’m afraid there is no way for me to help you out.

2. Not having insurance for your property. The last thing that anyone wants is to have their property damaged or completely destroyed by fire or other disasters. Having appropriate insurance will give you peace of mind as well as protection from financial loss if an unfortunate event were to occur at your property such as a fire or burglary.

3. Not getting credit checks on tenants before letting them move in so that if something goes wrong we can get them out quickly and avoid further damage or suffering for both parties involved.


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It's easy to make mistakes, and they don't pay off. Here are some common mistakes landlords make:

-Not knowing how to protect yourself. Landlords should know their rights and how the law protects them. If you're not sure about any part of your lease, talk to a lawyer.

-Making late payments. Late rent can lead to eviction, so it's important to get paid on time. Also, if you're late with a payment or don't pay at all, there will be consequences for your tenant as well as for you as the landlord.

-Leaving it too late at night or too early in the morning. Landlords need to know when they can enter their property without permission from their tenants — or risk breaking the law themselves by illegally entering their property without permission from their tenants or fair warning that they will do so. It's also important for landlords to know when it is legal for them to enter their properties during normal business hours (typically between 8 a.m.- 6 p.m., though this varies depending on state laws).

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