Money rituals: is it truly working?


Valued Contributor
Our world has gotten to a level where lots of people are currently interested in instant gratification and not ready to follow the required process to get to the top , either financially or other wise . This is also connected to how the media always try to show off on the lifestyle of the rich and famous individuals in the society .

Such things usually make some people to go extra mile and get involved in things that you would have thought impossible. Just for the sake of making money. It is just so bad that we tend to have lost our Sense of humanity .

Nowa days , what is on the rise is ritual killings and activities.
This is in the sense that , some individuals believe it is possible to kill their fellow people and offer sacrifice to some super natural deities , who would in turn give them the richest they are always craving for .

Now getting to the main point of this topic ,I really want us to discuss on this matter. Does ritual money making works actually or it is just people trying to deceive them selves into thinking so ?

What do you think about this ?
Everything that is on this earth and has name is also real. Yes I can say it is working but I don't know much about it.
Although I use to hear some people say this but to me is not a good way to become rich and therefore I don't want to even find how it is done. I think that is why they say money is the root of all evil.

I really love money and I'm eager to get money but not by this means.
I do not think this topic should be welcomed. It could send a wrong message and message to the audience. Asking such question here might mean that people on this forum are into such illegal acts and I am very sure you are from Nigeria because to me, this topic is way out of boundary. The forum is for make money and not about rituals money, this should be avoided. I know you are not trying to pass a wrong message but I think there are other healthier topics. Personally, I do not know if rituals brings money or not because I have never engaged in such hideous act and never will.

The pressure and greed to make money has led many people into doing things that should have been avoided in its totality. Money rituals is just an illusion and the more you look, the less you see. The only way you can know if it really works or not is to try it and be ready to face the consequences for your act. Even through the movies we watch, it takes a whole lot of lesson to be learnt from it because it is a mere mirage and does not breed any good fortune. The ideal way to make money is by being hard working and commitment to work.
I have never believed in this rubbish, though I get to watch these scenarios a lot in movies but you can agree with me that the world of movies is mere illusion so I wonder why people believe in such. This is why ritual killing is so rampant now especially in my country, you would see even a child trying to kill their parents to make money. Sometimes I wonder how people think. But come to think of it, why is it that these native doctors that prepare these charms for money are never wealthy themselves or they don’t like money.

Because you would notice that a supposedly native doctor that is proclaim to make people have plenty money will live in a forest on a very dirty hut house. Not even a clean chair is in that shrine and they ask their patronizers to pay money. Why don’t they just make these monies for themselves and family members. Well, this is me that I find it very difficult to understand these complications. I just hope that it will come to a point that people will realize that this is all some imagination and this rubbish can never be real as peddled.
A very common thing among the youth of now today is the issue of money ritual in mostly Africa country. The reason is not far fetch as is due to lack of government to provide employment for it able body of create a conducive environment for them to earn a legal income. Money ritual is a trending issue as most young boy who find it difficult to endure the economy hardship created by the government take it as the alternative to get rich quickly. Whether it works or not depend on individual belief, it has work for so many of them because they believe in it and there are many that have also try it and discover that it didn't work for them. Whichever the case may be money ritual should never be encourage in the society as the end result is usually very bad. Government and society should endeavor to provide a friendly environment for legal businesses and support them with seed capital, this will create more employment opportunities and reduce unemployment in the society. Programs must be put in place to change people orientation on how to survive in different way that is legal than resorting to money ritual
No one will admire the act of having money that will buy you properties an asset like house , Land , private jets , fancy and assorted cars , and also have the privilege to eat assorted meals and also chill with the most beautiful women , but yet this money can't buy you peace of mind and rest . I personally 100% detest money rituals , and anyone that indulge in stupid and crazy things like this . Sometimes I used to wonder what type of heart does this people have to indulge in stupid and crazy things like this , calling it a way to be rich and wealthy quickly just to gain fame and acquire assets .

Majority of people have died in the process of indulging in money rituals . And although a lot of people say that it takes the grace of God to indulge and successfully acquire money through blood rituals , but I strongly believe that God has no doings and dealings with such such individual that indulge in stupid and crazy unwholesome activity like money rituals . It is better and advisable to acquire wealth legitimately so as to have peace of mind and rest while you are enjoying your accumulated wealth .
Some days back I decided to open a TikTok account and go through some of the videos there, I was shocked to see that majority of the videos on TikTok are about rituals. Gone are the days where does who do it hide themselves, they are ashamed to even let people know what they did to get the money but it's so unfortunate that the current generation we are in right now are actually very proud about it that they can freely post it online. Money ritual is one of the worse ways you can use in making money.
Well I never experienced it before , so even if I have to give my answer, it will only be based on my point of view and based on what I am seeing every day on the news and sometimes I come across some advertisement on social media about how people can make money from money ritual.

Well I believe it actually works in the sense that if it doesn't really work , These people wouldn't even go extra miles trying to get all the requirement for the ritual purposes.

If you are in Africa , if you will bet with me that some African rituals will really have an effect and I also believe most of those things really works to some extent. But it may not likely last for a long time and there is always a consequences.

The consequences I am talking about is always like a law of gamma and not really because they engage in ritual , but because of the innocent people they have killed and sacrifice , the Law of karma will use their ritual power against them and at the of the day , all the wealth they have gotten in the past won't even leave to see the light of the day.