Must a property improve for rent to increase?


Valued Contributor
Real estate investment is one of the best investments anyone can make. It is an investment that has a high propensity to appreciate. I dare say that in real estate, the level of appreciation is always higher than the inflationary rate. That's why when I see tenants scream and complain over increased house rent, I just laugh inside.

One of the things tenants complain about is that rents increase without significant improvement in the house or property. And I dare say that it is the way it should be. There must not be any improvement in a property for the rent to increase. It is the very nature of real estate investment. And the funny part is that the increased rent a tenant is complaining about, another person is ready with the complete funds to rent it. As a tenant, know this and know peace. Your rent can be increased anytime. And yes, the house doesn't need to be improved upon before the rent is increased.
@Etini the rent increases each year because there is a law that obliges to increase price of rent of 5 % each year then people couldn't keep same price for several years.