natural remedies for early kidney stones problems


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Pass kidney stone end kidney related problem and clear urinary tract infection with no adverse effects, kidney problems are real so as solution don't resign your self with kidney problems addressing on time before complications later
Kidney is small but powerful bean shaped organs that perform many powerful function they are responsible for filtering waste product release hormone that regulate blood pressure balancing fluid in the body their bare various way that this vital organ can damage
When the kidney are not working properly waste buid up in the blood

Common symptoms including
Sharp pain from the back waist belly which come and goes

Going to the toilet to urinate every thirty minutes but you feel urge to urinate again Your leg feet and ankles are swelling with puffy face
burning urination you just have this burning sensation when urinate
bloody urine you just went to the toilet and observe your urine pink or red colour an d notice is foaming

home remedies for kidney stone
take a lot of water , natural fruit lemons drink🍋,apple cider vinegar can be used too you can use all this to filter your kidney from all this harmful substances Continue till the stone passes