New Month New Goals: Ideas For Goals To Set Each Month


VIP Contributor
January is the first month of the year, and it's time to set some new goals.

You've heard it before: we set our goals by writing them down, making them public and keeping them visible. And while that's true, here are some other helpful tips:

1. Pick a target date for your goal. If you want to be more productive in January, focus on being more productive in January by setting a deadline for what you need to accomplish by then (like a new client or even just an email reply). By doing this, you'll be able to keep track of your progress and celebrate when you meet your goals!

2. Set realistic challenges for yourself. If you want to create a blog site in 30 days, don't just write "create a blog" as your goal. write out exactly how many steps it will take and what kinds of obstacles might get in the way of actually accomplishing it. That way, when something gets in the way or is hard to do, you can adjust accordingly!

3. Set up automated bill payments for the things you pay monthly (like your mortgage, rent, and car payment).

4. Write down all the things you want to accomplish in the next five years (the house you want to buy? The career path that feels right?).

5. Make a list of all the things that make you happy and how they fit into your life (the holiday parties you go to every year? The friends who always seem to show up at exactly the right time?).
Thank you so much for posting this. Setting of financial goals is something I do so much and personally, I can attest to the effectiveness of actually adhering to this. And I love the idea of monthly goal setting rather than yearly because it is a very ideal space of time for one to be able to know what kind of progress he or she is making.

When you set a yearly plan, you may lose track but it's pretty hard when it is monthly. And there are may ways that this is done. You have done good justice to that in the thread.

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