New Month New Goals: Ideas For Goals To Set Each Month


VIP Contributor
It's the start of a new month and you've got a lot of new things on your plate. You're trying to get organized for work, but then you find yourself thinking about all the stuff that's still out of control at home. You're feeling swamped and unfocused, but it's only been a few weeks! And then there are those pesky little goals that keep popping up in your head. you know, the ones that have been holding you back from getting everything else done.

So here are some tips for setting some new monthly goals:

1. Create a list of things to get done by the end of this month. This includes anything related to work or your personal life (like making time for exercise). It also includes things like reading more books or sending thank-you notes to people who have helped you recently (or any time in the past). Make sure that at least one thing on this list is small enough so that if it takes two days instead of one day, then so be it.

Plan ahead of time. One thing many people have trouble with is planning ahead of time. What do I need? Where do I go? How do I get there? But if you plan ahead of time by mapping out routes, making lists of gear needed, and so on, then you'll have an easier time getting yourself where you're going when it comes time to move forward with your bigger project/goal/dreams!

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