Asking for organic marketing

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Who here uses Facebook for organic marketing? ??
Facebook is old in my opinion, although there are some who are strictly basing their products marketing on Facebook. But having tried out all the social media platforms, I have come to realize that Instagram tops currently as the number one social media site for organically marketing your business products without needing to use ads or advertising.
Thanks Matinsx for the value post. will future if you can guide how Instagram work for digital marketing.
kimoto1981 well, just like there are over millions of users on Facebook, the same thing applies to Instagram as well. Also, just like ads are activated on Facebook, the same thing happens on Instagram as well.

But we are talking about getting organic traffic from digital marketing on this site, so no payments for ads. What matters most in the social media you want to use for digital marketing is its relevance and usefulness by the general public.

From chatters lately, users lay more importance on Instagram than Facebook, so it's why it's more lucrative starting out your digital marketing on Instagram. Grow your followers, mention popular pages on your posts to drive users to visit your page.