Overlooking micro commitments could kill a brand


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Today you need to seduce your audience. You can’t just expect to go in for the kills straight away you need to take the time to nurture them. You need to raise brand awareness. Don’t go in for the kill straight away, take the time to nurture them, write a blog post, send them to that blog, and allow them to digest that. Send them to a video, allow them to digest that, and take the time to give that value time and again and these little micro-commitments are far easier to commit to by a consumer than a sale so give them multiple opportunities to make those micro-commitments and each micro commitment will guide them along, it will train your audience to say yes to more things from you and they are all opportunities for you to give value.

Look on the face of it, modern marketing is easy, right? Everybody has access to a laptop or a phone and all you need today are a Facebook ads account and you can get your message in front of those people quite quickly at a pretty cheap rate as well but it is the nuances in marketing that is the difference between success and failure. If you don’t understand those nuances you are going to make tons of mistakes. Those mistakes will cost you time, effort, and money.
Make sure you try to understand the mistakes that you should avoid and the next you go to write a piece of content, filter them through those mistakes, make sure you are avoiding them. If you do you will achieve far greater success much quicker with your marketing.