Physical Exercise can keep you Healthy


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Physical exercise is one of the natural ways that human beings have to prevent diseases like cancer. Everything indicates that individuals who exercise their bodies and avoid sedentary lifestyles have many more options not to get sick, than those who do not exercise.

This physical exercise does not mean for the normal person to overload his body and exercise until exhaustion, but to carry out moderate physical activity. What is recommended is to do about fifteen minutes every day, where the effort is noticeable without reaching exaggerations.

It is about staying healthy and not about competing in a tournament. The muscles of the body need to move, because this activates a mechanism that oxygenates, renews the blood and makes all parts of the body work properly.
Physical exercise is very important for anyone that really wants to be healthy and stay away from all sorts of sicknesses. There was a time I did not really take physical exercises seriously and I started suffering from all kinds of mental and physical illnesses, but when I started doing it, i maintained a healthy lifestyle.
treatment for depression in my opinion
unfortunately suffered from depression a while ago , exercise and volunteering (helping out in a nursing home) pulled me out of it
which makes sense considering exercise releases happy hormones