Earn Money Play Game Make Money


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Do you know that you can actually make some cool cash when you play video games? Yeah! That true. In today’s article I will be sharing with you how to make some cool cash using your gaming skills.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Every gamer or YouTube follower knows the moniker "PewDiePie." But how did Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg become so famous? Well, he started out just playing video games, and uploading videos of himself playing on YouTube. He came up with his name because he thought it would be pronounced like the sound of the "shooter" video games he preferred playing. "Pew, pew," - the sound of electronic simulated gunfire or electronic laser shots.

He originally was calling himself "PewDie," then lost his credentials for that YouTube channel, and started another one, with the handle "PewDiePie." And a star was essentially born.

Justin Bieber, similarly, was discovered after uploading videos of himself performing some songs on YouTube.

The beauty of YouTube for entertainers is that essentially all that's needed now is a cellphone with a video camera and you can start uploading videos of yourself in a channel that people looking for entertainment online can see, and, ultimately, to which they can subscribe.

That being said, AdroidPIT advises streamers to be sure your equipment is reliable, and as close to professional as possible.

In essence creating a youtube channel and uploading a screen record video of you playing that game might be a great way of utilizing your gaming skills

So there you have it making money using your gaming skill. Please don’t forget to leave a message and also react to my post. Thanks.
Nice information you have dished out right here. The problem is that I really do not believe in making money while playing games because I have really not ventured into any before but I would like to have more information about it whether it really pays any reasonable amount of money. I'll make some research about it now.
Yes, there are so many legit games you can play in order to make money, but many people find difficult to make money online by playing games.why? Because most of their payment method is PayPal, in my own case I play this particular game called crypto pop game,i earn ethereum by playing this game, you can withdraw it instantly into your coinbase wallet.