Crypto Pros and cons of cryptocurrency regulation


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Crypto regulation in some countries has become a thug of war. In countries like Russia, China or India, crypto is heavily banned or regulated. It is also banned in Nigeria as the Nigerian government is taking it more seriously ever since the launch of eNaira.

Regulations can be good or bad depending on the specifics of the regulation and the overall number of regulations. However, some regulations are needed as this will bring the crypto spade more legal and people will be doing it without any fuss or issues of doing something illegal. Still, over-regulation could kill or limit the innovation of the crypto coins. Regulations that put too many burdens on individual investors would cause many to lose interest in crypto and this will mean that it will crash before it becomes a universal success.

Where is your stand? Should crypto be regulated or not?
Regulation can have some benefits. People can convert cryptocurrency to fiat currency in their bank account, there'll be universal access to new tokens. The dangers of cryptocurrency being regulated is that, investors would often have to rely on financial services to an unhealthy extent. Innovation will be stifled as innovative players can't easily try new ideas. See, the main idea behind cryptocurrency is it's a self-regulated system, and governments trying to regulate it, may not be that good either.