Punctuality, its effect on a business organisation


The importance of being on time is taught to us from a very young age. It should be no surprise, then, that lessons in punctuality stay relevant throughout our lives and work. Punctuality informs many aspects of Executive Presence. Being on time helps you to establish a good reputation and allows others to trust you. When you are punctual, your professional image appears polished and organized, rather than hurried and haphazard. Above all, it’s simply the professional standard to be consistently punctual. Yet many people still fail to meet this standard.
Nothing inspires confidence in a businessman sooner than punctuality, nor is there any habit which sooner saps his reputation than that of being always behind time.”Being tardy can be a serious marketing blunder for today’s business owner. From being late to meetings with a colleague or client, to not delivering your product or service on time, tardiness speaks volumes about who you are and how you do business. If you want customers to choose to do business with you, you must meet their expectations for performance. If you can’t meet deadlines for delivering products and services, customers will quickly find their way to your competitors.

**Being Punctuality in Business: What does being punctual say about you?

1. You care. Showing up and on time is one of the best ways to show someone that you care about them. By keeping our commitments to others, we are acknowledging them and their needs. Caring about our customers must be our number one priority since it is through our relationships that we build our business. No one knows how much you care until you show them … by showing up.

2. You respect others. Horace Mann said, “Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a person’s money as his time.” Arriving on time for customer meetings, speaking engagements, meetings with vendors, or anything else you do in your business, shows that you respect others. Respect is the foundation for creating great long-term relationships with your clients.

3. You are professional. Thomas C. Haliburton said, “Punctuality is the soul of business.” As a business professional, you have a toolkit of knowledge and behaviors that serve to create an aura of professionalism. Being on time is a fundamental tool for anyone who wants to be perceived as being the very best.

4. You are confident. When you show up on time, it’s a sign that you are confident to take on whatever might lay before you. Tardiness can imply that you aren’t confident, that you are hesitating to deal with a person or situation, possibly because you don’t have the skills, knowledge or tools to create a successful outcome. Confidence is the companion of success, and by showing up on time, you’re putting yourself one step closer to achieving it.

5. You are ready to receive others. Punctuality says to others, “I’m ready”. It implies that you are open to allowing more into your life. You’re ready to meet with a client to discuss business. You’re ready to deliver a presentation. You’re ready to be involved with whatever is set before you. People who “aren’t ready” tend to show up late or not at all.

6. You have an edge. Being punctual gives you an edge in business. Undoubtedly you’ve heard the proverb, “The early bird gets the worm”, or in our case, the work. In today’s competitive business climate, timing is everything. With businesses moving at the speed of light thanks to the latest technologies, delay of any sort can cost you clients. Being punctual is great; being early is even better!

7. You’re in control. Not only do people choose to do business with those who they like, know, and trust, they also like doing business with people who are in control. Business owners who always arrive early or on time to appointments give the impression that they manage things well. It gives customers the impression that you are reliable in everything that you do. People want to do business with people who are in control.

8. You have a standard for excellence. Punctuality is a standard for operating excellence. Not only does it imply that you are in control of your business, it shows that you respect yourself and others. Successful, well-liked business owners typically have punctuality as one of their highest values. In a business world where rules are constantly changing, showing up on time will always be at the top of the list when it comes to standards of excellence.

9. You keep things in flow. When you are on time or when you deliver your products and services on time, you keep things in flow. Other people and events are affected by what you do and don’t do. If you don’t show up or if you don’t deliver as promised, you can adversely affect the plans of others. By showing up on time, you allow other people and things to show up on time as well. Everybody wins. Being Punctuality in Business

10. Your habit is your brand. Over time, if you deal with the same person or groups of people, you will become known as someone who is punctual. You will be perceived as a business professional who respects others and who is confident and in control. This natural way of being will take on a life of its own and become part of your business branding.
You could tolerate being late for 10 minutes because not everyone has his own car to go to the work and are going by the manner of the public transportation means they face a lot of problems to find a medium to transportation in the morning.
Big companies here are very strict with the attendance and punctuality. An employee that comes in late 3 times in a month is subject to a sanction of stern warning. For more than 3 times tardy in a month can result in a suspension. I have some colleagues who suffered such punishment and I am lucky that I did not experience that because I am always on the lookout for my attendance. Being late means you are not dedicated to your job. Think if you come in early for work then your mind conditioning towards your job is proper unlike when you come in late then it is like everything is in a hurry and your focus is affected. On the contrary, I wonder why managers do not have a time card that they are not under the rule of the punctuality. They can come in late or very late and it doesn't matter.
Punctuality is undoubtably everything in a business if you are puntual with your work or in your business then you have every chance to skyrocket I like what they say the early bird catches the worm' if you are punctual in your business you will be able to make more customers because you will be noticed among your compititors. If you are a worker in a company coming early will earn you more respect as well as credit because it will prove to employer that you are serious with your work and also you to prove to your employer that you are confident, professional, and bold and keeping to time to handle your presentation can earn you a promotion as well. If you own a brand and as punctual to deliver goods and services to various clients it is sure that your brand will develop more than you think and could earn a name of a own as people you deliver your product to can recommendation to others saying that so -so are puntual in their work
Punctuality, they say, is the soul of business. There should be proper regard for time except we are working online when there is flexibility of time.

Punctuality doesn't mean we should wake up at odd time to open out shops, it only requires us to be known for a particular time that we do open our shops which should not be too late .

There are many reasons why a seller should take punctuality serious. It will connote the fact that he's serious with his business and also mindful of early buyers.

When a seller opens early, there is tendency that he may make more money than the ones that open late. Aside this, there will be more time for him to analyse and do some necessary things in shop, maybe praying, cleaning and the likes.
Punctuality is is one of the most important attributes of a business owner or employee. Anyone who is not punctual to carry out his business activities is simply telling himself that he is not serious and focused in that particular business. When you cultivate the act of being punctual in business then, you will be focused and determined in your business or job.

The truth is that if you are an employee and you are not punctual enough then the company or business have no option than to fire you and look for people that are more serious and committed today business and their job. nobody will be paying you and they will tolerate you coming late on daily basis.

Punctuality shows a whole lot of things as you have stated. when you are puntual, it shows that you care about the kind of business you are doing all the kind of job you are into.
Punctuality shows that you are very committed to the kind of business you are doing and it also shows that you are confident enough in your business venture and you are ready to compete very well and become very successful in your chosen business venture as the case may be.
Punctuality is one of those things that could determine whether or not you will be successful in life. Punctual people are more likely to become successful in life. This is because they do their job at the right time and they are able to manage their life in a much better way as compared to other people who are just too lazy. I have been trying to be punctual in life and I have noticed much improvement in my life when it comes to time management. Since punctuality affects time, this is why punctuality is often given importance in a workplace. When a person is not punctual, it could affect the time and in return it could affect the productivity of the company in a really bad way.

This is why many punctual employees are often praised and even given bonuses by the company management. Being punctual all the time may not be possible in all the cases. But you could try to become a punctual person. You must focus more on increasing your willpower if you want to be punctual. You will never be punctual if you take things lightly and lack self-discipline. So in order to avoid embarrassment at workplace, be punctual always!
Being punctual is one of the attributes that every professional should possess. Arriving on time demonstrates respect for other people. It promotes efficiency in the workplace and helps avoid unnecessary delays. When everyone arrives on time, plans and activities for the day are started and completed on time, saving the company from additional costs of overtime work and allowing employees to go home on time. Even managers should come on time because they should present themselves as an example to be emulated by their subordinates. Punctuality is so important in the health of the business that a company's rules and regulations usually dedicate a special section to address concerns like tardiness and absenteeism.​
You are right, and as I was reading this I learnt something in seconds, and that is, well before I state that I'll leave a frame work of what I do, well I post on Instagram, I have or atleast hoping to build a business on Instagram and here is the thing, being on time is the only way to succeed both there and in an actual 9 to 5 job, posting on time and letting your followers know okay this is the time davisdonohoe actually posts, that is epic it will increase trust and make more people actually follower you. Thanks for this