Quiz Reward Review

What is Quiz Reward: Quiz Reward is an app available for both Android and iOS device where you earn coins by answering quizzes. You can find the app for both Android and iOS devices but the name for the iOS version is called cash quiz. you can also challenge friends and families into answering quizzes and at the same time earn.

You can simply download the quiz reward app from Google play store or simply search for cash quiz for iOS devices. Sign up and input your details in order to create an account. It is pretty straight forward.

How do I earn on this platform: after signing up proceed to your dashboard and select a quiz category where you earn points or coins for answering quizzes. Coins can be claimed as gift card after reaching 10,000 coin. Most of the questions are pretty simple but once you rank higher you get harder questions. It is free to join this platform and you won't be asked to pay for anything whatsoever. You can also take challenges and set the number of coins you want together with your opponent, when one wins the coin will be disbursed into their account.

Is Quiz Reward legit: Quiz Reward has a lot of negative reviews on Google play. Quizzes are very difficult to answer and it is very hard to accumulate 10,000 points which is very high. All through research, I haven't seen anyone who has cashed out from this platform.
Wow if they are making it extremely hard for people to make money with it, then I would say there is no need giving it a try then. It's better to stick with what you can earn from.