Real estate Real Estate Transactions - what mistakes to avoid when taking a property for sale in your portfolio


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1. You are not aware of what is being sought in the real estate market

As a real estate agent, you should always be aware of market trends, because otherwise you will not be able to effectively advise your clients and you will not understand why certain properties are not being sold to you, no matter how hard you try to promote them. .

2. You don't know how to properly position properties for sale

Real estate prices can change quickly, especially in contexts like the current one, when the demand for certain types of properties is no longer at the level of 2020. In order to advise customers, it is necessary to know the average market prices and know the factors after which sets the price of housing: location, area, condition of the building, compartmentalization, utilities and additional facilities.

When it is not clear how to position a property correctly, you can end up creating unrealistic expectations for the client, which will make the sale process more difficult, or you risk selling the home at a price well below market level.

3. Stop listening to your customers and don't meet their needs

A good real estate agent really listens to his clients, thus understanding their wishes and needs. In the absence of good communication, you can either lose the client in favor of another real estate agency, or make the transaction very difficult. No matter how much experience you have, if you do not cultivate a good relationship with customers and do not strive to understand their requirements, you will never be able to become an agent with top results.

4. You do not know important details about the legislation and the necessary documents

In order to make the sale process as simple as possible, it is important to discuss with both customers - both the seller and the buyer, about the documents required to complete the transaction. Otherwise, you may have unpleasant surprises - the sale may be delayed or even canceled due to lack of essential documents.

It is also good to inform your clients about taxes and notary fees, and the agency commission should be specified in the contract from the beginning.

5. Don't use technology

As we have seen since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, life can sometimes take unexpected turns, forcing people to adapt or bear the consequences. The professionals who found alternatives to face-to-face meetings and sales were the ones who had the most to gain in the new context.

Use presentation videos, virtual tours, and virtual customer meetings. Not adapting to technology means limiting your possibilities.

6. You don't know how to promote properties

Promotion is usually the key to successful real estate transactions. If you don't know how to write a complete, accurate and interesting ad for the properties you are trading, you can't expect success. At the same time, it is important to know where to promote your ad, on which platforms to post it and what budget to allocate to the promotion.