Reasons for Security market creation.

Min Eduok

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The security market, also known as the financial security market, is a market where securities, such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives, are bought and sold. The primary reason for the existence of the security market is to facilitate the efficient allocation of capital from investors to companies and governments that need funding for growth and development. Additionally, the security market allows individuals and institutions to diversify their investment portfolios and manage risk.

The security market is an important component of the global financial system because it allows companies and governments to raise capital by issuing securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives. These securities can be bought and sold by investors, which allows companies and governments to raise the funds they need to finance growth and development.
The security market also provides investors with a way to diversify their portfolios and manage risk. By buying a variety of securities, investors can spread their risk across different assets and industries, which can help to mitigate the impact of any one investment performing poorly. Additionally, the security market allows investors to buy and sell securities quickly, which provides them with the flexibility to respond to changes in the market or in their personal financial situation.
Furthermore, the security market plays a critical role in the functioning of the economy. The securities traded in the market are used as collateral for loans, derivatives, and other financial instruments. These securities act as a store of value and a means of payment. Security market allows for efficient allocation of resources and helps to create wealth for investors and companies.
The security market is regulated by government bodies such as Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in US, which is responsible for protecting investors and maintaining fair and orderly markets. These regulators enforce rules and regulations designed to prevent fraud and manipulation, ensuring that the market operates in a transparent and fair manner.