Reasons to donate money for philanthropical supports.


VIP Contributor
Carrying out philanthropic and charity activities is definitely advised in every region and country of the world because not every person that moves around the streets enjoys the privilege of enjoying the good things of life and sometimes from time to time they will always need the help and involvement of others so as to sufficiently and adequately enjoy the good things of life . The question here is that would you be there to help these individuals ? . Well to be very sincere , everyone has a clear shot of helping the less privileged and the less opportune to enjoy and have a taste of how life would have been if there were more privileged and more opportunity to enjoy the good things of life and one of the ways you can do this is by donating money and raising money for these individuals .

You can possibly give the money to any governmental cooperation in your country or region which possibly specifies on the helping of less opportuned individuals and people , which also include orphanage , motherless baby homes , disabled individuals etc . Some people have the mindset that only those that are rich and have acquired money in abundance can carry out philanthropical and charity activities , but well to some extent this is not entirely true because even you as a medium amount earning salary or wages individual can help these individuals also and there is no amount of money donated that is considered to be too small but it will be taken because you've tried your best to help .


VIP Contributor
The world is filled with so much individual and among the majority of individuals existing in the world today , they include those who are presently enjoying the good things of life and they also include those who are in no position of enjoying the good things of life . Some individuals are so willing to help the less fortunate and the less privileged to enjoy the good things of life and a term described to call that is known as Philanthropical and charity activities , becoming a philanthropist or a charity giver is considered one of the most advisable thing that an individual can endeavour to accomplish with his or her wealth and riches especially if the individual in particular is considered to have money in abundance and plentiful .

In my country which is Nigeria they are two ways an individual can engage in charity and philanthropical activities . It is either he or she donates money to a less fortunate collecting organisation or possibly he himself donated the money directly to the organisational him or herself that is where motherless baby home, disabled individuals home , or even to charity .