Relationship between time and money.


VIP Contributor
It is totally and obviously saying that there is actually a contractual and close relationship between time and money and it is obviously said that in the world today time and money usually goes hand-in-hand with each other . Personally I grew up in a society where majority of people seems to believe that in order for someone to make money he or she needs to have time . We are not merely talking about time itself but rather we are talking about the whole timespan on which a particular human being lives . It is absolutely possible and true that time waits for no one that is why it is totally advisable for each and every one of us to make good use of our time and one of the ways to make good use of our time is by making monetarily use of it and what that means is that using our time to make money .

It is absolutely true that the way an individual plans his past will definitely affect his or her future and if an individual has always spend majority of his time doing things that are unproductive all possibilities that do not profiting monetarily such individual is considered to have a bad and pathetic future .


VIP Contributor
It is absolutely very true that time and money have a contractual relationship with each other I like the always say if you want to make money you need to create time to make money . Time is money and money is time and that could be illustrated and obviously seen in the world that we live in today . According to research it is approximated that an individual have not less than 78 years of living in earth . And if an individual spend all the sound eight years of his life doing things that are unproductive he or she is bound to be broke and poor for them rest of his or her lives . We do not want to spend our life doing things that are unproductive but rather we need to spend it on doing things that are productive and will better our future .

We must also understand that time waits for no human being and if we spend our time doing things that are unproductive we are not making anyone feel pain but that we are making ourselves feel pain . Making friends with those who are rich and well they could absolutely impact our life and also impact the time that we have left to become successful .