Rules of employee engagement


VIP Contributor
When you engage your employees, you are engaging the organization.

Employee engagement is defined as the extent to which employees' behaviors and attitudes support organizational goals and build employee satisfaction, motivation, and commitment. Engaged employees also tend to be more productive and innovative in their work.

Here are some of the key areas that must be addressed when it comes to engaging employees:

1) Provide a compelling reason for employee engagement: Motivation is one of the most important factors for employees who are engaged with their companies. Employees want to know why they need to be involved in activities such as volunteering or attending training sessions. You can help them understand this by taking advantage of social media tools like Facebook and Twitter, which allow for sharing information about company events and other activities on their behalf.

2) Offer regular feedback: Make sure that you give feedback regularly so that your employees know what they need to do better or differently in order for them to get better results from their work (and for you). The more often you provide this type of feedback, the more likely it is that your employees will feel valued by their employer.

3) Be transparent: Transparency allows everyone involved in an organization - including the employer to carry out tasks freely in their working space.