Saving Money on Grocery


Valued Contributor
1. Write down what you already have

By making a list of what you already have, and then making this a habit, you get a better overview of what you really have at home in the cupboard that can be used for cooking. In a lot of homes, they have pretty much items remain unused in the cupboard all the time, which means that you only need to buy some small things to prepare a complete food.

2. Never go for shopping when hungry

This is one of the typical mistakes people make and then add a series of unnecessary (and often useless) items in the basket almost automatically. So be calm and happy when you shop to avoid impulse buying.
For our groceries we always make a list so we do not waste time in the supermarket. I hate to be going around and around simply because we are trying to find something that we needed to buy. A list makes the shopping quick. What takes our time is in checking the prices vis-à-vis the volume of a new product especially if we have a good review. With the household items we usually buy them in the wet market where the prices are much lower. But with food stuff the supermarket has the high standard of quality assurance so we always buy food items particularly frozen food like hotdogs and bacon in the supermarket. Over-buying is not good and that usually happens if you do not have a list of items to buy.
That 2nd point kind of hits you hard. I have experienced this plenty of times. I have went to the mall and other places with the empty stomach. And that kind of made me think a lot harder on how the money can go wasted when you are on empty stomach these days. I personally have realized that there are times when the grocery stores too give too much discount. And we have to make a choice for the purchase because you never know how the saving of money at that time.

Also when you make prep meals and also write down on what to eat and what not to during the week. You get to know what things you need and only get those things. This is how you should focus on the grocery shopping and also think about the saving money in general.
In festival periods or the harvest season,its the best time to buy groceries as the yield is very much for the farmers so the cost is quite less.