Saving on medicines and doctor consultations


VIP Contributor
When the generic medicines came to the market so many people avoided it like a poison. But sooner or later after the explanations of the government doctors the public learned to patronize the generic medicines. When you are taking maintenance medication every day then you regularly buy medicine. Think of how much you can save if you buy generic instead of the branded medicine. For the doctor’s consultation, you can save on the visits if you will be ready with all the information about your sickness like how often do you get a fever, what is the magnitude of the pain, etc. One visit to the doctor may be enough for a proper diagnosis and prescription.
Somehow it is viable provided that the generic medicine is much cheaper than the general maintainance drugs which in my case I think it is not otherwise.I stand to be corrected though.So in my view it is good not to take so much medication like if you have a chronic illness but rather only be taking medication in intervals or once off which I think generic medicine can do for you.So provided it is a fair condition that you will not spend as much in the medication but it will heal you as oppossednto take medication for a really long time.
I think these days you can save the money on consultation considering a lot of doctors are offering it free during the pandemic. And that means you have to just find out doctor which offers that if you are not tested or diagnosed as of yet. And even more to view is that there is going to be easy to get the medicine these days with the online delivery. And that kind of saves you the trouble to spend money on fuel and also you can save some money on overall doctor and pharmacy too. I do however have the doubt that if you have health insurance then it does not account to saving there.

I hope that this year doctors don't choose to go more expensive route because that would be pretty tough on all of us with the new changes. As many people are already losing the jobs and struggling in their own world slowly.