Selling Coffee Mugs on Etsy and Printify


VIP Contributor
Are you thinking about Print-On-Demand business? If your answer is yes here are some tips that you will find useful.

Before you can start making money by selling on Print-On-Demand marketplaces like Printful, Printify, RedBubble, etc. you need to find your niche. Even though you can sell on multiple niches, focusing on a single niche will help you if you are just starting out. I recommend selling coffee mugs on Etsy by using Printify for Print-On-Demand.

Create a design that caters to niche market. For instance, you can sell coffee mugs for moms, for dads, for gamers, for writers, etc. Use inspirational quote, or funny quote, or even meme.

Provide prints on both faces of mugs instead of just on the front. This will allow the users to see the design when they sip from the mug.

Make use of popular images and iconography in your designs. For instance, you can create design reflecting a popular Netflix show, or a popular video game.

Give people an option to choose their own sizes.


VIP Contributor
If you are already selling T-shirts, do you realize you can use the same design on coffee mugs, you do not have to create a different design? Therefore, for sellers who are already selling T-shirts, selling coffee mugs is a wise idea. A coffee mug is one of the highest-selling products on various print-on-demand marketplaces. I have sold a few coffee mugs. Interestingly, I have tried to sell coffee mugs along with T-shirts by suggesting the buyers that a coffee mug with this T-shirt is a great combo offer. Selling is all about how you are marketing. If you offer personalized coffee mugs, you have better chances of selling your items. Personalized coffee means giving flexibility to the buyers to add their personal messages son coffee mugs, for example, giving a buyer to add a message “with love from Sandra” can be a great way to sell your item. If you can use a scalable design, it is very possible.