Selling Creative Property: When A One Time Payment is Ideal.


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When I comes to selling creative property like soundtracks, arts etc, there is always an option of being paid royalties with every sale for as long as or being given a one time payment. While it seems that royalties are always the best option because the earnings from that creative property has a potential to outlive you to even your fourth generation, there are instances where a one time payment might just be ideal. Let's explore:

1) When the creative property would only be used for a short time: You stand to gain from the sale of a creative property if it is to be used for a short campaign as the royalties per usage may not be significant.

2) When you are not too sure if the project using the creative property would be a big hit: If a new business comes to buy your creative property, and you are not sure if the business would succeed or not, get a one time payment and leave royalties because it might never work out.

3) When you as the owner of the creative content needs immediate cash for something: In a situation where you need cash to fix certain needs, you can decide to sell your creative contents for a one time payment than for royalties to fix the financial gap.

4) If you are not sure that you can adequately track the usage of your creative property, just sell it for a one time payment rather than stress yourself to track usage.