Selling Your Real Estate Using Your Facebook Profile


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Facebook is currently not at a stage where you may automatically mark particular posts or applications as not to be shared, which is unfortunate. Make sure everything you post is user-friendly if your Wall or News Feed is visible to the general world. This can entail editing your Facebook profile to remove both your and your friends' comments.

You can create a separate account for friends and clients by configuring your Facebook privacy settings. You could want to restrict who can contact you in particular ways and mark certain sections as "certain friends only" depending on the type of contacts you have.

Depending on how accessible you want to be, you can choose whether or not to make your complete profile public.

You should generally only share your basic details with a small number of close pals. Your clients don't need preconceived ideas about you based on what they can learn about your political, religious, or sexual preferences online. Noting that you are a fervent supporter of the Flying Spaghetti Monster may cause people to pass you by, even if you aren't actively proselytising to them, unless you are trying to market real estate specifically to members of a certain faith.

You should leave your profile image available, but make sure it's clean and professional. Do not share photos of your family, dog, or wood tick farm.

You should leave your profile image available, but make sure it's clean and professional. Do not share photos of your family, dog, or wood tick farm. Your clients prefer to be able to clearly identify you in a photo that they can view. Don't go overboard, but it's acceptable to have one or two family photos in a different album (some customers prefer to feel connected to their realtor).

Applications might be challenging. Think twice before including too many pointless ones. Place them at the very bottom of your Facebook page, where only the dedicated ever go, if you must have any at all costs. Moreover, avoid using them to contact clients at all costs.