Seven Guidelines for Establishing Your Purpose


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A clearly defined purpose projects your life into eternity. Once you have identified your purpose, you can set a direction for your life. As you strive to realize your purpose, you harmonize with the rhythms of life which form your destiny.

  1. It must be idealistic. Always strive for the highest and best in all things. See things as they can or should be, rather than as they are. Use your imagination as a guide in establishing your purpose.
  2. It must be visionary. See beyond the horizon. Learn to perceive, remember, accept, and rely on your dreams. Do not be discouraged if your purpose appears to be impossible, impractical, or unrealistic to others. Visions are perceptions of higher states of consciousness. Visionary thought representations become the blueprints for your future reality. Your special mandate is to create reality from thoughts through vision.
  3. It must be lifelong. Your purpose in life rarely, if ever, changes. However, your perception of it may change, depending on your level of consciousness. your purpose is your life's work, as you perceive it from moment to moment. It may extend well beyond the boundaries of your lifetime. In fact, the realization of your purpose may not occur until long after you have ceased to exist in physical form.
  4. It must benefit everyone. The continuous realization of your purpose goes far beyond the personal desires of your ego. A purpose centered on self, for the sole benefit of self, is no purpose at all. It is a personal goal. However, once your purpose goes beyond yourself and your ego, it will necessarily involve other people. This involvement must be positive and beneficial to all concerned.
  5. It must be challenging. Your purpose should make you stretch to reach your highest potential. It should be a continuous challenge to your faith and to your abilities. Your faith grows stronger as your efforts yield positive results. As your faith grows, so does your ability to face and prevail over even greater challenges.
  6. It must set you on fire. When your purpose sets you on fire, you become obsessed with its immediate and continuous realization. Every moment of your life, you constantly think about it, talk about it, and act on it. The source of this fire from your purpose is your deep desire. Deep desire causes you to exert every element of the power and energy you possess for the realization of your purpose. Deep desire and faith together create dynamic enthusiasm. Dynamic enthusiasm is the burning fire which stimulates your mental, physical, and psychic powers to the point where they become infectious, contagious, and invincible.
  7. It must be worthwhile. Your purpose must fulfill a legitimate positive need in the world. A worthwhile purpose attracts the forces of the universe to aid and assist you in its continuous realization. Once you identify and articulate your purpose, write it down. This is your statement to yourself and to the world of where you are going with your life. With this clear and concise statement of your purpose, you can determine what must be done for its realization. Then you can establish the goals which will guide you to your purpose, and make plans for attaining these goals.