Seven Tips For A Long And Healthy Life.


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As good as modern medical technology is, it can never save you from the problems caused by a life style that is unhealthy. Instead of getting a modern medical fix for every problem, it is far better to live in such a way that you will hardly ever fall ill.

An ounce of prevention is certainly better than a pound of cure. Here are seven tips on how to live a long and healthy life. In addition, the same life style that helps you to avoid illness also helps you to lose weight.

1. Get Enough Exercise

In the past people had to use their physical bodies in the course of their normal work. But today someone may get up, go to work in a car, then sit down, get up to go home in the car and when arriving at home, sit down again for the rest of the day. In such a life there is no physical labor. This physical inactivity is one of the main reasons for a host of diseases. Sport, running. walking and other things must be added to our life if our normal work does not require us to exert ourselves physically. I

2. Go to sleep when you feel sleepy

This may sound simple, but many people stay up late even when their body is telling them that it is time to sleep. Yoga and Ayurvedic doctors also say that it is better to sleep in the night and be active during the day. However, people such as students will take coffee and stimulants to study late into the night. Others develop the habit of remaining active at night and sleeping during the day. While we can do this, it eventually takes a toll on health. Alternative health doctors say that this kind of unnatural living is one of the contributing factors in the causation of cancer and other diseases

3. Eat when you feel hungry

This is also a simple idea, but once again we often go against the messages of the body. If you eat out of habit or due to social pressure at certain time of the day, even when you have no real appetite, then you will not digest your food properly. Acidity and indigestion begin, and this contributes to the likelihood of other more complex diseases taking root. Having an appetite is actually a sign of good health, but if you have no appetite you should wait a bit and then eat. (If you have no appetite even after awaiting a reasonable amount of time, then you should consult a doctor because something is wrong.)

4.Fast on a Regular, Systematic Basis

If you would ask any person to work 365 days per year without any rest, they would complain and say that they must have some rest or else they will break down. But we have never bothered to ask or to think about our digestive organs which we compel to work day after day without a rest. They cannot protest the way a person would to his boss, but they do give us signals that they cannot work non-stop. When we ignore those signals and still compel them to work, those organs break down. That is why periodic fasting is necessary. Refrain from eating for one complete day. This gives a rest to your digestive organs and also helps in the elimination of wastes from your body. Regular fasting allows a person to gain extra time for intellectual or spiritual pursuits. Fasting is not for hermits in a cave, but is a sensible practice that anyone can practice.

5. Wash with cool water before going to bed

As mentioned above, proper sleep is essential for the maintenance of health. If you wash your important motor and sensory organs (hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth, genitals) before sleep using cool water, this will relax you and prepare you for deep sleep.

6. Perform meditation on a regular basis

Your body is linked to your mind. Many of the diseases of this era are psychosomatic. Stress and anxiety take their toll on our physical health. Meditation is a mental exercise which, among other things, allows you to detach yourself from the worries of life. Learn a simple technique and do it regularly.

7. Get up early every day

Once again the old proverb, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.” I don’t know if it will make you wealthy, but it will certainly make you healthy. Your body needs just enough sleep, not too much and not too little.

Follow these tips and you can’t go wrong
the points you highlighted here is valid and of course I have been doing some of them for some time now but I wasn't consistent on them. I have an app that remind me to do exercise but due to time and other things have not been consistent with it. I also do meditation sometimes and I can say that it is very good for health but again I have not been consistent.
These are very important points to live healthy in life. Many people including myself are guilty of many of these points and is not good for our wellbeing. No matter how busy you feel are, always take enough timeout and relax yourself. Also, taking enough sleep is very important because this body we live in are not machines, even machines do breakdown. Another important point is make sure you eat better food, especially balanced diet so as to restore all the body nutrients that have used up.
Those are very good tips you have given, I agree with each and every one of them. A change in lifestyle is really much more important in preventing diseases. Some wait till they have health complications so that they start these healthy lifestyles. But I believe that one should start even when they are young and healthy.
I am one person that doesn’t joke with my health; I pay attention to it like my life depends solely on it. Health is wealth and I guard mine jealously. Just taking a simple thing like taking a cup of water first thing in the morning can be very helpful to the body.
You have given all the valid points here for a long and healthy life. It basically says to follow the nature and follow our body rhythms. It might sound difficult to follow them but once people make a few lifestyle changes and accomodate more healthy stuff in day to day life, it gets easier to carry on. One has to be conscious about it and always choose for a healthy option be it in diet or in lifestyle.
Thank you for the information you shared with us ,but if I am to summarise what you have written above I will summarise it into three, the first one should be that we should try to get exercise as much as possible then followed by a consuming of fruit and vegetable then the third one should be avoiding air pollution all the time
We should eat eat healthy foods and not good that contain unnecessary calories which causes high cholesterol to the body and lead to obesity or being overweight and we should also make sure we drink enough water at least like 6 glasses of water everyday and also engage in exercise Regularly
To have a long and healthy life one has to eat food that are rich in nutrients and vitamins.also one should not take things that has cholesterol.also Don't take too much sugar it's not good for the health.also don't smoke and drink because when you do it can cause heart disease.and when your heart is not functioning well it can cause don't smoke to have long life.
All what are listed are the best tips to maintain a healthy health and also live longer because the risk of developing diseases that can endanger life will be low
Avoid smoking or drinking of alcohol it do endangers the health and reduces life span of the person after causing series of diseases to the body
You all are right about the tips and tricks for long and healthy life you highlighted up there. Health as they say is wealth, taking care of our health is very important most especially for human day to day activities. Healthy living begins with you by eating healthy and doing workout. As you already mentioned above, you should be doing exercise regularly, doing exercises and workout frequently helps in healthy lifestyle. You should also eat healthy and sleep better.

You should always stay positive if you really want a long and healthy life, being optimistic is very important do not any problem weigh you down. Be positive to your self and stay around positive people and positive minds. And always do what makes you happy. Find something you like doing it can be cooking, reading, travelling, jogging, etcetera and keep doing them. Doing this can really help in healthy and long life.

Notwithstanding, despite eating healthy and daily exserice routine, you can never tell how long you will live, that is the sad truth. Only God almighty can decide that and it is by his will ones can live long.

Above all, all you just need to do is to live a healthy life, be very sure to enjoy every minute of your life, have rest, eat fruit and veggies, have fun and enjoy your life.
Living a healthy life is not a hard as long as you are determined that want to live a healthy life you have to make sure that we take care of our health like going for a medical check-up so as to know if you have any illness that need to be taken care of or treated faster before it was in in the body.

We should also make sure that we consume balanced diet has that you provide the vital nutrients that you need in the body which prevents us from developing some exciting diseases in the body that can lead to health complications or premature deaths.

Getting enough rest is also one of the things to do to live a healthy life because we don't have enough rest your immune system will not be able to work properly like why is a brain that is why it is always advisable to sleep for like six to eight hours daily so that your stress hormone and the brain can be able to work properly.

Exercising daily can also help us to be healthy as it will help us to reduce the cholesterol level in the body which will reduce the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease or kidney failure
Good balanced food, healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise are sure the ways to a healthy and long life and there is no argument over there. But many do that but still get diseases. So, a big factor is our genetic composition too. And we have no control over that. Some of us might be more prone to health issues despite leading a healthy lifestyle. While there might be others who are healthier despite their unhealthy lifestyle. So, our genetic composition does play a major role.
However, we have no argument and denial about following a healthy lifestyle. Health is wealth and we have to earn it. We might have a defaulty gene that puts us on risk of. a disease. But then we can delay the onset of the disease or manage it well with healthy lifestyle changes. A good diet and exercise is crucial in all ways.
Some people are born with autoimmune disorders and don't develop diseases because of faulty lifestyle. Even in such cases, following these healthy tips is very helpful. One is able to manage their life with these diseases too with certain modifications in their diet, exercises and other lifestyle changes. They manage it well without depending too much on the medication and other treatments.