Seven Ways I Make Money On Youtube


Everyone wants to know; how do you make more money on YouTube. Well, today I want to share with you guys seven ways that I make money off of my YouTube, plus another two ways that I have coming up, and share with you guys how I was able to earn a full time income for my YouTube channel after only having a few thousand subscribers.

how you make money on my YouTube channel? For instance, do you get paid more if you get likes, shares, and favorites on your videos?

Great question.
Let me answer that specifically in just a second. First of all, I want to tell you guys that I think the smartest way to grow a YouTube channel in order to make money is to actually have a business model wrapped around it. Now, that doesn't make sense for everyone, and 100% of the time.
You know, there's different cases where just pure AdSense that makes sense. But I think a lot of people who are pursuing kind of the traditional audience development method of growing an audience, and subscribers, and getting viewers and fans on YouTube on their channel, and then monetizing that, I think they're usually kind of narrow focused, and only thinking about AdSense revenue.

But that's really only just one way of doing it. I want to share with you guys eight ways I make money.

First one is AdSense.
And that is just when YouTube creators get a revenue split with Google when ads are displayed on their video content, and a user or a viewer interacts with that ad in some way, or watches it fully. So, no, you do not get paid or get any money for likes, for favorites, for subscribers even. You don't even get paid for views necessarily.
how you make money on my YouTube channel
You only get paid when a viewer engages with an ad. So they've clicked on it to go learn more, or they watch the full ad in its entirety, or they watch it for longer than 30 seconds if it's a clickable ad. Or maybe there's a display ad somewhere around the video on the page and they clicked on that. That's the only time you get paid, because that's when the advertiser pays YouTube.And then YouTube then splits that revenue with the creator, usually on a 55/45 revenue split, 55 of it going to the creator, 45% of it going to YouTube.

But let me quickly give you guys a few other ideas for how I make money from YouTube channel.

Number 2, beyond AdSense, is I also have product sales.
But I sell products directly. And I don't pitch them in every video, but I do include them when it makes sense.

Number 3, kind of going along with that, is consulting.
Various creators and small businesses pay me to evaluate their YouTube channels for them, to give them a review, to help them learn how to improve it. Sometimes just only do a one-off call, just one hour together. That's all it takes sometimes, over the course of like six months and I work with them on an ongoing basis. And if that's something you’re interested in.

Number 4, I also do brand deals here.
Maybe you guys have seen me talk about sites like Fame Bits, and Video Blocks. And there's others that are coming up here to where these companies pay me to talk about them, and their products and services, as a part of my videos.

Number 5, there are speaking opportunities.
That I get to do in various states, and even places around the world, where they hire me to come speak at their events, or to do a training for their company, or for their business. Come work with creators at their conference, or something like that.

Number 6 is that I also license some of my video content.
And there's brands out there who want to take that content and make it a part of their commercials. And so I license that content to them. And they pay me a fee in order to use my video clips in their commercials and for their promotional campaigns.

Number 7 is affiliate marketing.
I'm not getting paid necessarily from the brand to talk about them. But like if I'm reviewing the GoPro, like I did a few weeks ago, and reviewing that for vlogging, I put a link to it the description of the video where you guys can go check out the GoPro if it's something you're interested in purchasing. And if you use my link and buy that product that I'm talking about, then I usually get a percentage of the sales back. So I'm affiliates with B&H; Photo, with Amazon, and a lot of other stuff.

But there's a lot of other ideas. Share them in the comments below. And if you want some other ideas, go read what other ideas people are sharing down here. I know you will learn a lot, and they'll really help you guys out.
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Good one, but to be honest with you I haven't tried making any penny using YouTube channel. In fact, I'm not really a fan of YouTube, I hardly use it for anything unless it's paramount that I go to YouTube. So therefore, looking up to it as a means to make money from never appealed to me. But maybe I would share this your article to some of my friends that I would fancy making use of it.
An insightful post, I'm yet to create a channel though it also in my to-do list as a source of income like blogging,vlogging is another avenue which I need to explore. I have just saved this page, I think will come in handy when I need to monetize my channel.
Nice write up. This is kind of educative post I am looking forward to be seeing here in trendri. I have tried to make money through YouTube. Then I created a channel and I decided to be uploading musical lyrics and provide some information that are entertaining but the channel couldn't see the light of the day because I couldn't see many views.
I really love and appreciate this post because i have been trolling online just to find a legit site to earn money through youtube,i even tried creating a youtube channel to start up with,but the site i discovered was a scam,am grateful for this post,i will also share to all my friends which i know they will be interested.
Actually I'm not always interested in making money from YouTube because I cannot bear the stress of keeping a lot of my YouTube viewers updated everyday,I don't even have anything interesting I can offer on YouTube so I prefer to make my money on Forums , I also make my money online with my digital skill And through crypto trading