Should I pay to advertise my blog on social media?


VIP Contributor
In a word: no.

If you have a blog, you're probably already familiar with the concept of building an audience and making sure that people know about your work. But what you might not realize is that there are ways to get those visitors to come back to your site again and again and those ways include social media advertising.

The problem with social media advertising is that it's very expensive. Facebook ads alone can cost more than $100 per day. In some cases, the cost of running ads can be even higher than that! So why pay so much money if you don't have to?

The answer is simple: because it's worth it. Paying for advertising gives you access to a lot of potential customers who might never have found your website otherwise but only if they're willing to spend their time looking at your company's page on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter instead of clicking right through to another website. That means more potential customers coming in through organic search results (which are free!), which means more visibility for future marketing campaigns...