Should technology be involved to grow a business?


VIP Contributor
Long before technology wasn't involved in business business activities was always carried out via the old ways which involved the physical carrying of goods and services from one place to another by tracking on foot or by using beast of burdens such as donkey, horses and camels etc . In short commercial activities was absolutely so much burdensome and unbearable that is why only the brave and does persistent enough we are able to successfully and adequately carry out business activities back in those days. Presently technology and modernization has so much revolutionized business and due to the fact that no individual love to be stressed out or love to go extra mile in accomplishing business goals and objectives it is absolutely very advisable and rightful for an individual to involve the use of technology in his or her business organisation.

Office equipment and manufacturing machines have so much help the production, transaction, interpretation, processing, and assembling of business goods and services and also business informations documentation. Initially business events that consist of include monetary transactions will usually documented with the use of manual data processing method which involve the use of pen, paper, and pencils, but presently we get to use computers for that, thereby making it more accessible and retrievable during times of determining either the loss or profit of a business organisation .
Every business requires the use of technology in order to grow a business. Technology can come in different forms you need technology in order to advertise your business to the public.
It is technology that will display what the consumers or client need to know concerning your goods and services through advertisement. Technology has done great work in the production of goods and services especially in large scale industries. If a large-scale business take part in producing of goods and services manually this can slow down the growth and development of such businesses. The production process of such businesses will be slow and also the supply of goods and services b slow as well. A large industry cannot survive when technology is unavailable. And so it is important for businesses to equip their industries of factories with technology leader in production to speed up the production process and in production of quality goods and services that will satisfy the consumers and the test of the clients. That is my own opinion on whether technology should be introduced in a business
It is obviously possible to say that technology have so much impacted the existence of businesses and has obviously seen in the world today technology and modernization have helped in areas of business transactional documentation which was always done manually that is with the use of pen, papers, and books . But nowadays a business transactionary documentation is done with the use of computers which help in the easily retrieval of this documentation when needed or when the need arises .

Technology you have also helped in the easy transaction of raw materials and finished goods and services , from where they are being gotten to where they are to be transformed into finished goods or from where they are being produced to where they are to be sold to either the consumers or to wholesalers . In the sense, luxury and cargo vans and motor cars have been made in provision for the easily transportation of raw materials and finished goods as well .