Sign of blood shortage and remedies


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Haemia is a condition in which you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen in body tissues having anaemia also referred to as low a more global can make you feel tired and weak there are many forms of anaemia each with his own cause anaemia can be temporary or long-term and can range from 9 to 7 in most cases animal has more than one course see your doctor if you suspect that you have anaemia it can be a warning signs of serious illness army shortness of breath chest pain irregular heartbeat feel head aches want to see a doctor make an appointment with your doctor if you feel fatigued and I don't know why signs and symptoms of anaemia fatigue weakness pale yellow whiskey irregular heartbeat shortness of breath chest pain causes anaemia can be due to a condition present at birth or to a condition you develop acquired and the miracles when you blood doesn't have enough red blood cells your body doesn't make enough red blood cells bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced your body destroy red blood cells iron deficiency anaemia the most common type of anaemia is caused by a shortage of iron in your body your bone marrow needs iron to make a more global produce enough a more global for red blood cells
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