Signs and symptoms of pregnancy.


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The symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the early stage cannot be said to be absolute as other condition can also given these features.
It is only when pregnancy has advanced far enough for the fetal parts to be palpable, for fetal movement to be felt and fetal heart sound to be heard and physical signs and symptoms said to be absolute.
Diagnosis in the early stage is not certain but a combination of these symptoms outlined below is highly suggestive.
Morning sickness
As early in pregnancy as possible some women experience nausea and vomiting,this occur in the morning hours and hence the name morning sickness.
Breast problem
In early pregnancy the breast is bigger in size and it is tender to touch,frequency of micturition early in pregnancy when the enlarging uterus is still a pelvic organ it presses on the on urinary bladder especially in the day time when the woman is standing.
This causes her be to urinate frequently.