Simple Steps to Manage Stress Via Vagus Nerve


The vagus nerve is a cranial nerve that connects the brain to the heart and lungs. It is composed of two main parts, the cervical part and the thoracic part. The cervical portion extends from the base of the skull to exit through all of the trachea and bronchi. The thoracic portion runs from the neck down to terminate in the abdomen.

Stress can be managed by stimulating your "happy" vagus nerve (VN) with simple breathing exercises. Here are a few suggestions for doing it:

1) Make sure you are sitting up straight, not slouching or leaning forward when you breathe in and out.

2) Breathe out until you feel your diaphragm move downward as far as possible without losing contact with your abdominal muscles (if you're sitting up straight). Then inhale fully through your nose while keeping your back straight and stomach relaxed. Try not to breathe so deeply that you feel like you might pass out!

3) Repeat step 2 twice more before repeating steps 1-3 again until you've gotten through at least three cycles total (total time should be under 5 minutes).