Some causes of heartburn


New member
Do you know that heartburn is very disturbing burning feeling in the throat or even in the chest. Sometimesit occurs as a hot, sour taste in back of throat.

Most times, the pains is worse after eating dinner. Sometimes it's associate with pain's when laying down and bending over.

Some of these foods can cause heartburn, alcohol (red wine), peppermint, caffeinated drinks, chocolate, citrus fruits.

To reduce heartburn, it is necessary to drink water after meals to help dilute acid which causes heartburn.
Heartburn can be very painful and severe. It can cause many to lose weight due to a change in their diet. Heartburns range from mild to severe and the duration they can occur. Some lifestyles also push for heartburn and that is why we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Heart burn can be caused by excessive drinking of alchol
Heart burn are mostly due to excessive drinking of alchol and smoking cigarettes because they destroy the organs in the body which can cause heart disease, failure and heart burn so if we can avoid smoking and drinking I believe we should be able to prevent heart burn from occuring
Heart burn I can be a very unpleasant situation that occurs to people who eat food in a hurry or consume the food when it is hot. Other than that it can also be a significance of an underlying disease like peptic ulcer disease or appendicitis. An endoscopy can be able to reveal this.
Drinking too much of tea or coffee and other foods that contain caffeine can cause heartburn
Drinking water after eating is very important so as to aid easy digestion and not cause health problems like the heartburn
One of the main causes of heart burn is smoking.smoking is very bad and dangerous for the can cause serious damage to the heart if taken in excess so please don't smoke it's bad for the heart.when you smoke you are inhaling bad substance which can seriously Damage the please don't smoke for a good and better life
Some times whenever I eat some kind of food it use to occur.
Thanks so much because I don't even know that those food you made mention can cause this.
Some times when this things occur to me it use to be very painful and make some one to be less active.