Squadhelp: Make money with your creativity.


VIP Contributor
Squadhelp is a platform for people with creativity prowess.

As we all know, we have a lot of online businesses nowadays, I can even go further by saying tons of online businesses are being launched on a daily basis.

Squadhelp helps these businesses get a name or logo, that matches their brand.

It goes like this, A business will submit it's business plan, nature of the business, industry which it's operates to Squadhelp.

Squadhelp will organise a contest for creatives to come up with a name that matches all of the details that the company provided.

The minimum payout is $100 and you'll sign a non disclosure agreement for keeping the company's details confidential.

Payment methods are PayPal, Payooneer or Crypto.

Another product of squadhelp that creatives can leverage on is their market place.

How it works is, you'll submit a name to squadhelp which sounds good for a startup or online business, either way, squadhelp will vet the name and if they deem it fit they'll list it on their market place with a price tag.

They'll advertise the domain name through their network and after a sale they'll give you 30 percent out of the sale.

You can also register your own domains and submit and it'll undergo the same process as the former, the only difference is you'll get 60 percent out of the sale.