Stop obesity by home remedies

Maria Javed

Active member
Hi everyone how are you all well. Hopefully you are all well. Today I am tell you that the how to stop obesity by home remedies.
We can stop obesity by home remedies in following ways.
1 Drinking honey and water with lemon
2 almost sleep for 8 or 9 hours
3 take less stress
4 By drinking green tea daily 2 or 3 times it reduces obesity
5 by drinking ginger tea
6 eat healthy diet with proteins
7 drink water at least 7 or 8 glass
8 do not eat too much sugaray food
9 take exercise regularly
10 do not drink alcohol more than 12 fluid ounces
11 tomatoes, carrots and dark leafy vegetables eat to your daily diet .
From all these point we can reduce the obesity.
Though I know the importance of drinking water on a daily basis, but I still find it hard to do this. Most times I just get do busy with one or two activities that takes my time of drinking water.