Student Budget Calculators


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Creating a budget is an essential money management skill for college students. Student budget calculators are handy online tools to help estimate costs, make spending tradeoffs, and plan finances. When using these calculators, here are some useful tips:

Enter Your School

Inputting your university prefills average tuition, fees, room and board costs specific to that institution. This baseline data saves research time.

Be Thorough on Expenses

Include everything from tuition, housing, meal plans and books to entertainment, clothing, travel and loan/credit card payments. Small incidentals add up.

Estimate Conservatively

Where there is uncertainty, err on the side of overestimating expenses rather than underestimating. It’s better to end up with extra funds than come up short.

Choose “Average”

When given a range for costs like food, transportation or personal expenses, choose the middle estimate as a starting point. Adjust up or down later as needed.

Factor in Financial Aid

Enter scholarship, grant and loan amounts you’ve been awarded to calculate out-of-pocket costs to pay.

Play With Variables

Adjust different spending categories to see the impact on your overall budget. Trimming certain discretionary expenses may allow room for others.

Plan For Emergencies

Even a $50 monthly allotment creates a buffer for unexpected academic, medical or car expenses.

Check Annually

Revisit your budget each year as tuition, expenses and financial aid change. Update as needed.

Using student budget calculators as a starting point allows you to strategically manage your money and avoid shortfalls. Enter details carefully and customize to see how choices affect your bottom line.