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Crypto enthusiasts everywhere have something to be excited about with the rebranding of, the famous growing crypto exchange. The exchange has just announced its own blockchain—the SCS Chain—which is set to launch along with its new look and additional features.

The look and feel of the website have been redesigned, offering a much more modern look with extra features for their users. The new logo reflects the SCS Chain’s mission: “A blockchain tailored for the 21st century”. They’ve added new features like customizable trading windows, stop limits and other technical analysis indicators.
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The new SCS Chain promises a number of benefits to its users. It will provide faster transaction speeds, enhanced security, and lower fees. The code is open source, so anyone can contribute and audit the codebase on GitHub. With its advanced smart contract capabilities, developers can easily build decentralized applications on top of the SCS Chain.

Read this article for more info