Tea: The Best Source of Antioxidants


VIP Contributor
If you are not drinking tea, you should be drinking tea because tea has a lot of antioxidants. If you don’t know what antioxidants are, they are the substances that prevent cell damage caused by the free radicals and toxins in the body. Antioxidants are present in many foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are also present in tea.

Here are the amazing health benefits of tea

Tea fights free radicals that damages cells

Tea lowers the chances of hypertension, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke

Tea helps the body to process glucose in your blood, thus might help people with diabetes

Tea protects against brain damage, thus preventing the likelihood of Parkinson’s disease.

Studies have found that tea lowers the chances of ovarian and stomach cancer

Tea is zero-calorie (if you don’t add sugar, milk, and cream)

Studies have found that tea can help in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease because tea helps in cognitive functions